
Masterclass Permaculture Bill Mollison

You can rightly call this founder of permaculture a visionary. The basic principles of permaculture are still somewhat controversial. Because they are not 100% scientifically proven. Also, some people feel that a food forest does not really meet the permaculture requirements.

In these masterclasses you will hear the ‘master himself’ speak. They are worth fully understanding philosophy.

Bruce Charles (Bill) Mollison ( May 4, 1928September 24, 2016 ) was an Australian researcher, writer, scientist, educator and biologist.

He is considered the “father of permaculture “. [1] Permaculture is an integrated system of ecology and environmental design, intended as an enduring and sustainable form of agriculture, developed by Mollison in collaboration with David Holmgren . In 1974 Mollison began his collaboration with Holmgren, and in 1978 they published their book Permaculture One , introducing this principle to the general public.

Mollison richtte The Permaculture Institute op in Tasmanië en creëerde een onderwijssysteem om anderen te scholen in permacultuur.[2] His ‘train the trainer’ education system, conducted through a formal Permaculture Design Course and Certification (PCD), has taught thousands of people around the world how to use the principles of permaculture to grow food and live sustainably. In 1981, he was awarded the Right Livelihood Award (aka the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) for his achievements in the field of permaculture.


But be sure to also take a look at the permaculture website in the Netherlands. Full of info and tips. Thanks to Douwe Beerda.

Nederlandstalige info op de website van Permacultuur Nederland

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