
CO2NEUTRAL@WORK #001 – Catch up

Online game changer #001

The problem is clear but what is the solution?

A lot of you already took up the commitment to be CO2 Neutral by 2030 or have plans to get there in the near future. These keynote speakers volunteered to inspire you with a series of ‘tangible’ solutions and use cases that are already in place today to help you to ‘ Stop Talking and start Walking’.

We all share the same passion to create a more sustainable biodiverse society. It would be great to see you on the other side.

D-Day Wednesday 28th or April 2021
A great session that will inspire you all. With Antoine Geerinckx, Olivier Vergeynst, Simon Schillebeeckx, Thong Vu Vang, Dajo Hermans, Frank Missoul

Special thanks to: Hilde De Windt – Journalist, photographer, storyteller (Co-Host) , Josiane Mpinganzima – Assistant moderator, Ernesto Cusata intern who helped to shape the B2B story.

Actually, the emissions linked to the digital world are bigger than civil aviation worldwide, and they are increasing faster than almost any domain, economical domain in the world. We are talking about today, more than 4%, almost 5% of the man made emissions. And by 2025, it’s foreseen to be at 8% and 20%. And by 2030 15%. So it’s really a massive issue. Indeed, to connect on the question of short term versus long term in the decisions for CTOs, short term, they can immediately make gains. So they unfortunately they miss that point, but long term, indeed, there’s a question of vision. What they are also missing is that CTO CIOs who are not taking the steps today, they will be out of a job tomorrow, because the legislation is changing fast. And if they don’t foresee the company should adapt now, they will be behind, and they will be fired.

Olivier Vergeynst from the ‘Belgian Sustainabile IT Institute
Click here for the deep dive session of Olvier Vergeynst

The individual sessions. Take a deeper dive and get smarter by having fun.

Session – CO2logic by design / Antoine Geerinckx – CO2logic
Leasing a forest instead of a car / Dajo Hermans & Frank Missoul – Forest Fwd
Let’s think Green IT / Olivier Vergeynst – Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT
Impact as a service/ Simon Schillebeeckx –
Energy as a new business model /Thong Vu Vang – Emax Group
Sustainable Teambuilding to trigger change / Trees De Bruyne –

CO2LOGIC by Design by
Antoine Geerinckx
L easing a forest instead of a car /
Dajo Hermans & Frank Missoul
Forest Fwd
Let’s think Green IT
Olivier Vergeynst
Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT
Impact as a service
Simon Schillebeeckx
Energy as a new business model
Thong Vu Vang
Emax Group
Sustainable Team Building to trigger change
Trees De Bruyne

An idea without a plan is just a dream.
Let’s stop talking and start walking.

If you believe in the good cause, feel free to sign up for our newsletter and get informed about other events from that are coming up.

28th of May: 10AM-12AM

How to stop killing a fly with an elephant gun when it comes to AI
Gertrude Mieke De Kelaere
AI authority, engineer, ethical promoter and Author of the book Men Versus Machine

Reduce your Digital Carbon Footprint at ZERO cost
Gerry McGovern
The Irish Times has described Gerry as one of five visionaries who have had a major impact on the development of the Web. Author of the book World Wide Waste

How storytelling and bees can reshape the way we think
Wim Wouters
Professor Digital Storytelling, digital product designer and game-tech specialist.
Creators of

21th of June:
Wivina Briers from XKwadraat and Nico De Cleen from Passwerk is a non-profit organization that was founded by Trees De Bruyne. We are set on a mission to empower everyone to reduce their CO2 footprint. Our methodology is based on the principles of ‘Robert Hart’ the food forest pioneer. We use ‘Tiny Food Forest’ and ‘company gardening’ to unite people around a common goal. In our slipstream, we use our ‘sustainable team-building events’ to introduce other ‘Green Tech’ solutions. By doing so we empower everyone to make a change and build sustainable communities, sustainable outdoor spaces and turn this world into a more biodiverse society . Let’s ‘Stop Talking and Start Walking’.


Trees De Bruyne – Curator
Founder of, Innovation/Change Manager, business architect,
Start-up coach & mentor, media expert, curator & digital storyteller.

Trees De Bruyne is what you could call a game-changer. With her track record as an Innovation/Change Manager, Startup coach, Digital Strategist she introduces new technology mostly in the Media and cultural ecosystem. From curating webinars to inspire people to learn new digital skills to mentoring and coaching entrepreneurs to grow and scale. With barK. Today she is using the mechanics of ‘company Gardening’ by creating ‘Tiny food forests’ to unite employees around a common goal. Reducing your CO2 Footprint and building a more bio-diverse society. In the slipstream she uses the sustainable team building events to introduce other ‘Green Tech’ solutions and help companies to ‘Stop Talking and Start Walking’.

Thong Vu Van
CEO and Founder of EMAX

Thong is the founder and CEO of EMAX, a greentech company specializing in digital solutions for the transition to clean energy. Thong graduated from a PhD in Electrical Engineering from KU Leuven and spent over 11 years working closely on the integration of renewable energy sources into electrical grid in international organizations based in Belgium. Prior to this, he worked as an electrical engineer in his home country, Vietnam.
With Kyla, users can monitor their energy consumption and interact with energy suppliers and financial institutions, leading to new business models and increased investment in renewables.

Dajo Hermans
Co-founder of Forest Fwd (TB)

Dajo was a journalist for Het Nieuwsblad and De Standaard for many years. Subsequently, as director of communication at CIB Flanders and the Professional Institute of Real Estate Agents, he developed expertise in the real estate sector. For the past ten years, he was one of the founding fathers of Bepublic Group, a renowned PR company in our country. There he noticed that companies are increasingly thinking about the social role they can play. His passion for nature and entrepreneurship automatically led Dajo towards Forest Fwd. “Not only having an impact in words, but also in deeds”, that’s what it is all about.

Frank Missoul
Serial entrepreneur/ Co-Founder Forest Fw d

Frank is a Master LO (KUL) and started in 2011, the first interim office for sports instructors in Belgium, Amitabha. He sold this company in 2017 and started real estate investments through Rock & Real ( during the transition phase. He also runs a co-working place ST + Working and is the founder of , a platform for European real estate on more than 1 hectare.
Since January he has started the company Forest Fwd together with Dajo Hermans and United Experts with the mission: to involve companies in forest and nature creation.

Simon Schillebeeckx
Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Handprint Tech and The Global Mangrove Trust – Assistant Professor of Strategy and Innovation @SMU

After studying commercial engineering and specializing in corporate social responsibility for a couple of years, Simon went on a trip to South America to expand his cultural knowledge. He then came back to Belgium and worked as a consultant specialized in sustainable business model innovation. In 2011, he moved to London to pursue a PhD in innovation management. For the past seven years, Simon has been living and working in Singapore as an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at Singapore Management University. He also decided to make use of his entrepreneur skills and co-founded The Global Mangrove Trust, an NGO developing technology to support reforestation, and Handprint Tech.

Olivier Vergeynst
Director of the Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT, Founder of, IT Director, Certified Green IT consultant

Olivier Vergeynst has over 20 years of international IT Management experience in large companies: JPMorgan, Euroclear, Ingenico. From Director at Euroclear in charge of the technical relationship with the 100 largest financial institutions in the world to R&D Director at Ingenico. Today as a Green IT consultant, certified jointly by and the University of La Rochelle, Olivier is the founder and director of Green IT Belgium, member of the French “Institut du Numérique Responsable” and of the “Collectif” . In this capacity, he worked on the “Environmental footprint of the digital world” study (, Frédéric Bordage, 2019) and managed the English translation.

With Green IT Belgium, Olivier supported several large Belgian and international companies in their Green IT transformation. He now dedicates 110% of his time to the non-for-profit Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT, sister of the French and Swiss Instituts du Numérique Responsable. With 72 members in France in 2 years, and already 20 members in Belgium in only 5 months, this international Sustainable IT community is growing fast. It brings together international companies, SMEs, associations, universities and public authorities in their journey towards a more sustainable use of digital technologies.

Antoine Geerinckx
(co)-Founder CO2LOGIC – – – NATURALOGIC – Councilor KNOKKE-HEIST – RIVER CLEAN UP adv. board

In 2006 he created CO2LOGIC to help organizations calculate and reduce their climate impact. It is now an international climate advisory organization based in Brussels, Belgium & in New York City, US.
CO2logic is a pioneer in CO2-Neutrality through the rigorous combination of CO2 accounting, CO2 reductions and CO2 offsetting. We help organizations in their transition towards a low carbon economy. We help them identify & reduce their local and global impacts.

He has been working mainly as a climate consultant on different environmental issues for more than 10 years now and I am not about to stop. I love to work closely with people, companies & organizations to reduce their climate impact and generate sustainable competitive and socio-economic advantages.

In 2008 he set up the CLIMATE EDUCATION PROGRAM, as a volunteer with two passionate climatologists, to educate & inform kids about the importance of climate, the role of the poles etc…this is now managed by Goodplanet Belgium.

In 2014 he co-founded, a Natural Capital advisory organization in order to help companies and public entities in valuing nature (their dependencies & impacts) correctly.

In 2016 he launched, a B2C platform for people that want to give back in line with their climate impact.

In 2018 he launched AIRSCAN in order to help people improve their Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), which helps achieve better health & improved working performance.

“My kids are my drive… children deserve to grow up in a clean & respectful world. Every breath they take, every sip of water, every spoon they eat should be nourishing and not poisoning.
Keep on rocking in clean world!”

Hilde De Windt
Journalist, Photographer and storyteller

Hilde De Windt has been a storyteller since she was a youngster. She played theatre, took Scandinavian literature & studies, made a career as a radio presenter and reporter. After 16 years of creating wonderful worlds with sound only, the photographer’s microbe won, and she turned to the visual. She became a TV maker: writing and producing program formats, making reportages. In the investigative field she worked on themes of migration, identity and health.

Love to meet you on the other side

Trees De Bruyne
+32 496 52 12 08

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