Local governement

Food forest Eemvallei South

Food forest Eemvallei South

Eemvallei Zuid is a green landscape zone of 30 hectares near Almere. It is a green landscape structure to which…
Food forest De Meinweg estate

Food forest De Meinweg estate

In 2020 we started the construction of Food forest Landgoed de Meinweg . On a plot of more than 3…
Food forest Breedenbroek

Food forest Breedenbroek

Our current agricultural system has a devastating effect on nature and a complete overhaul of this system is inevitable if…
Food forest de Woudezel 2.0

Food forest de Woudezel 2.0

Food forest and permaculture project. Educational tours, training and workshops. Plant nursery for food forests and edible gardens. Berries from…
Voedselbos Schijdel – Hardekamp

Voedselbos Schijdel – Hardekamp

Met dit project wil stichting Voedselbosbouw Nederland aantonen dat een bedrijfsmatige exploitatie van een grootschalig voedselbos een economisch verdienmodel kan…
Urban Food Forest at Browns Mill

Urban Food Forest at Browns Mill

Atlanta Food Forest is a “Community Urban” food forest that was established with the help of the Atlanta City Council.…
Far Field

Far Field

Far Field started as a Ghent urban agriculture project in Merendree. Four city residents were given 1.5 ha in 2013…
Leveroy food forest

Leveroy food forest

he food forest is created through collaboration between initiator Bas Korten, the municipality of Nederweert and volunteers from the village.…
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