Zeewolde food forest

Zeewolde food forest

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Food Forest Zeewolde was started in 2016 as a citizens’ initiative by Lydia Waterreus and Evelyn Derksen. In the spring, the first talks were held with the municipality and they made their plans publicly known. The idea was well received everywhere and through newsletters they collected the first 50 sympathizers. There were discussions about possible locations, contribution from the municipality and other parties and about partnerships. The Netherlands Food Forestry Foundation came into the picture as a partner and also IVN Zeewolde. In October, an initiative book was presented to the alderman for assessment and in November there was a first information evening for interested parties. After that, concrete steps were taken. The location behind the Red Barn became definitive, co-financiers were sought and found! Sympathizers became volunteers, now a group of 20 people and over 100 newsletter readers. In the news reports you can read what we have done in the past year in preparation for further preparation.

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