Permaculture Center Haarlem

Permaculture Center Haarlem

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In 2014, a group of permaculturists from Haarlem initiated by Tosca Peschier made a plan for the first communal permaculture garden in Haarlem. The site on the Korte Verspronckweg, temporarily intended for urban agriculture, turned out to be a perfect location. On August 23, 2015, the garden was opened by councilor Cora-Yfke Sikkema .

Since then we have been working hard to make this garden a permaculture paradise in which we naturally grow some of our own food. We want as many people as possible to come into contact with permaculture and its 3 ethical principles: care for the earth, care for people and fair sharing. With courses, workshops and free activities we show that permaculture is both a practical design method and an ecological way of life.

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