Unbreaking News: Regenerative stories from around the world


March 25


16:00 - 17:30



Email: info@commonland.nl Phone: +31 20 811 66 03
Together we can shape our future. Be inspired by positive and powerful stories from around the world and let’s move into action!
We live in unprecedented and tumultuous times of change. News about the degradation of the Earth due to human activity – think about deforestation, climate change and the agricultural transition, reaches us daily. We would like to highlight the good news: together we can shape our future. So be inspired by positive and powerful stories happening on our planet earth, and let’s move into action!
We will take you on a trip around the world, showing inspiring stories that offer a positive perspective and emerging possibilities. Judith Schwartz, author and journalist, shows a global tour along transformational initiatives restoring earth in her latest book The Reindeer Chronicles. Featuring stops in Norway, Hawaii, New Mexico and Spain. While Precious Phiri, facilitator and community development specialist, will take you on a journey to Zimbabwe – showing the power of local collective action to ensure food security, support local stewardship and reduce poverty by restoring landscapes.
And also closer to home, slowing down during the current pandemic has showed the beauty and (healing) power of nature. A growing interest in home gardening, re-valuing nature close to our homes, and appreciating the food that can be sourced back to local farmers and entrepreneurs. In light of the upcoming UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, let’s dive together in what IS possible, where we would like to go, and how we can make that happen in our own environment!
With international contributions of:
Judith Schwartz
As journalist and author of the book ‘the Reindeer Chronicles’, she’s a storyteller who explores illuminates scientific concepts and cultural nuance. With a a clear-eyed look at global environmental, economic, and social challenges, she finds insights and solutions in natural systems.
Precious Phiri
As Zimbabwean facilitator and steering Committee member/African Coordinator for Regeneration International, her work involves community organizing, working with rural communities to learn together and reverse poverty and ecological degeneration, and bringing this communal work to global platforms.
Hosted by Willemijn de Iongh and Pieter Ploeg, facilitators Commonland.
Conversation moderated by Erica ten Broeke, landscape manager Commonland.
16.00 – 16.30 (CET) Get inspired – stories from around the globe
16.30 – 16.50 (CET) What could possibly go right? In conversation with Judith Schwartz and Precious Phiri.
16.50 – 17.30 (CET) What inspires you to bring along in daily life? Incl. Q&A with Judith & Precious.
Language: The event will be hosted in English.
N.B.: Once you have registered you will receive an email at a later stage about how to access the event.
“When something goes the way it’s supposed to go, it isn’t news. So we’re never paying attention to how the natural world works or how communities function when they’re going well and serving the people in them.”
– Judith Schwartz



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