Information session Smuljungle Aalst


July 27


6:38 - 6:38

Welcome to Smuljungle Aalst

Welcome to Smuljungle Aalst

You may have heard it already, but is spreading its wings and will soon be landing in Sint-Job in Aalst. Thanks to the City of Aalst, we have a unique opportunity to make this place the ‘Best’ place in Aalst.

Our mission is to get everyone excited about turning their boring piece of lawn into a biodiverse piece of edible nature. Some call it food forest or food forest , but that sometimes deters that is why we call it Smuljungle Aalst. Edible tasty fruit trees, berries, nuts, … in your garden you can only mouth water.

But it’s even more fun to work together. Because alone is only alone. We forge plans, find the right shrubs and perennials together. Become a food forest guide together. Everyone can participate, young & old, mobile and not so mobile, schools or associations,…

We light the fire, but sooner or later that place will become yours. Is your interest aroused? Register for this information session.

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