
Plant material to give?

Plant material to give?

Sometimes a plant is famously in the way or you have a few in surplus. We are now trying to…
The importance of resilient communities in the breach for more biodiversity.

The importance of resilient communities in the breach for more biodiversity.

You no longer have to convince us of the power of communities and nature connection to focus on a more…
Affordable, climate-positive and self-sufficient living in Ecodorp Boekel

Affordable, climate-positive and self-sufficient living in Ecodorp Boekel

These Dutch pioneers Ad Vlems and his wife Monique Vissers took the bull by the horns and launched the idea…
Let us hear from you. What do you dream for nature in our Smuljungle?

Let us hear from you. What do you dream for nature in our Smuljungle?

Some call it a food forest. We call it a Smuljungle because we believe that there is room for tasty…
Smuljungle Aalst in action at the State of the Region

Smuljungle Aalst in action at the State of the Region

Avansa brought together on 5 May 2022 everyone in the Flemish Ardennes or Denderstreek who pushes (or pulls) the cart…
Our first planting campaign in our Smuljungle in Aalst

Our first planting campaign in our Smuljungle in Aalst

Saturday March 19, 2022. Before you know it, the time has come. The first plant donations will be placed on…
A food forest on the roof?

A food forest on the roof?

This permaculture roof garden of 200 m2 was planted in 2001 on only 30 cm of soil. With over 180…
Climate-proof city research by WUR

Climate-proof city research by WUR

Wageningen scientists recently presented their vision of the city in 2120. In a hundred years’ time you will not hear…
The community welfare tree

The community welfare tree

The University of Liverpool conducted research into the importance of ‘communities’ for people’s well-being. The Community Wellbeing Tree is an…
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