About bark vzw

Bark.today is a project of bark VZW.

Our non-profit organization aims to boost awareness about nature’ s healing effect on human well-being.
The goal is to give everyone the power to start thinking and acting differently now, but more importantly to take action themselves.

Our initiatives not only connect people and nature. We also strengthen the bond between people to create a more sustainable, tolerant and biodiverse society.

Ultimately, we want everyone to take responsibility and do what they can. Either in their own gardens or by joining forces or purchasing reclaimed land and transforming it into a food forest or garden. Or by encouraging companies to commit to healthier outdoor spaces.

Size doesn’t matter. We’re going for a Co2 neutral nice little garden.

The name “Bark” was not chosen haphazardly.

Bark is the English word for bark. The protective skin of trees and plants that produces wood. The covering on the outside of a tree is an example of a bark. …

A bark or bark in English is defined as a short loud sound made by a dog or other animals, or is any sound similar to the screeching sound of a dog.

A barque is also a sailing vessel with three or more masts, with the stern (mizzen mast) rigged for a bow and stern instead of a square sail. Tot fore and aft rigs were used on large ships to operate with less crew. In ancient Egypt, this was the ship in which the gods traveled.

Under the guise that every step in the right direction is a win win. That’s why we launched Bark.today.

Let’s Stop Talking and start Walking

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