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The first leifruit received its cutting on Sept. 10, 2022.

A historic moment if we do say so ourselves. The Smuljungle Aalst has officially launched.
Cera sponsored 3,000 euros and the 19 volunteers also came to roll up their sleeves. How beautiful is that. Thanks to everyone who helped in front of and behind the scenes. From the City of Aalst, Netwerk Aalst, Odisee Hogeschool, WZC Sint-Job to LDC De toekomst to everyone whose contribution large or small helped make this happen. Special thanks also to our house photographer Paul Pamajot who was there anyway and shows that there is no age on enthusiasm.

It started with a phone call from Bart Backaert the chief brigadier of the city of Aalst and ecological green pioneer. Very carefully he said…the brackets are still there on the slate wall….

Then another visit from Paul of the Orchard Foundation and it was clear. If we want to make this an educational place, lei fruit is definitely a part of it. This old tradition has been somewhat lost but it is high time to restore it. Because even in small gardens you can plant fruit trees this way.

We treated our visitors to a barefoot bath led by Roos Steemans of Odisee Polytechnic after a hearty breakfast. Thanks to Sara Moens of LDC The Future for getting out of bed so early. The apero was in the hands of Sandra Danckaert whom I am secretly beginning to call a little “La Mama” of the Smuljungle. Beekeeper and green finger man Yvan Pletincks was also at his best. You can learn something from him about precise planting. Not to mention that Ester and Jonas had also done a lot of work as sturdy the days before. Lieve Brouwers also stopped by just in time.
Meanwhile, I also gel in garden gnomes because without realizing it, the grounds are spick and span. We desperately need to thank them.
Everyone had an incredible morning. Nature connection and planting the seed for the future. How beautiful is that. Everyone went home with a smile.

Is your interest piqued. If so, here are some tips. Be sure to check out Wouter den Boer’s videos. He himself once took lessons from Jan Freriks. Meanwhile, we have devoured just about every leifrtui tree reading in just about every language. Need tips or advice. Signal. Because, of course, you have to think about cross-pollination when choosing varieties or there won’t be much fruit to pick.

A book reading tip is definitely Leifruit for Beginners.
But you can also find a lot of video material on youtube.

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Now we are making plans for the standard orchard. Smuljungle Aalst, … here we come.

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