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Smuljungle in action on the open day of Sint-Jozef college


One of our Smuljungle Fans came with the happy message that we could be on the open day of the Sint-Jozefcollege at the Capuceinelaan in Aalst. More than 2,000 people pass by there and that is of course an ideal opportunity to promote our promotion.

What preceded

A few weeks ago we received a visit from the students of the Lyceum. During their workshop they helped transplant the 100 seedlings we had been given and wrote a personalized card for each plant. Nice is not it. You can read more about it here .

D-Day April 30, 2022

The weather was fantastic again. Thanks to the Smuljungle colleagues on duty and my niece whom I had taken along because of back problems. It’s strange how, when you see so much enthusiasm, the pain fades into the background for a while. For the first time we were able to explain to primary school children what a gourmet jungle was and what we were going to do there. Some wanted to taste the hibiscus tea because tea was something they had never tasted before. Another young lad wanted to know all about those ‘weird scientific names’ and how they worked. He would definitely take a look at our website. The tree with holes borrowed from the residential care center where you could throw balls was of course the greatest success.

But we were all most moved by the following story. A 10-year-old boy came to ask Sandra Danckaert and Lieve De Brouwer how much a plantable Smuljungle badge cost. He walked to his mom but got a njet on the receipt. Yet he came back reluctantly. If we could exchange his pennies. He put 2 euros in our free donation pot. Sandra and Lieve became silent and she told the story. Billion I said. You gave me a badge. Ai said Sandra, no. And driven as she is, she went in search. After half an hour she came back. She had found him. How happy we were. It’s not about that one badge, but about how you can still take people who are having a hard time in tow and make them happy. Not long after, the baby returned with his mother. She told her son, is crazy about all things nature and green. She asked if we also have plans to organize workshops or courses for young people. Of course we said. That’s what we’re after. Reconnecting people with each other and with nature.

When you drive home, that’s a smile.

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