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Why is mold so important?

There are those moments in your life that make you change course. For me it was the realization that one ‘google search’ consumes as much energy as a 1 km ride with an electric car. I had just spent a day researching it online. So finding as much information as possible under one roof saves a lot of energy anyway. That is why we want to share all knowledge as much as possible in one place.

At Marc Siepman, the change of course was caused by Charles Eisenstein. We’ll talk about that later. But Marc is now a highly sought-after soil expert.

“My wife and I do what we find important, what we like and what gives us energy. People who appreciate what we do give us a donation.” During a permaculture course, Marc Siepman became captivated by the importance of a healthy soil. As many people as possible should know that! But how? The former website builder decided to start offering courses himself – for free. Marc developed into a traveling soil expert and an advocate of a giving economy. Reading Charles Eisenstein , ecophilosopher and advocate of the giving economy, inspired him on this new path.

Mark Siepman

Marc Siepman explains the benefits of a food forest by examining the soil on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug. An unprocessed soil, which is covered with leaves, etc., gives soil life the opportunity to increase the organic matter content. In this way, fungi can form large networks through which food elements can be exchanged over a greater distance. The food forest is a production system in which the benefits of the natural forest go hand in hand with food production and biodiversity.

We will definitely put Marc on our list for a lecture.

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