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Our booth at Organic Farm the Shed.

Sunday, May 28, was perhaps one of the busiest weekends of the year. And with that hint of sunshine combined with an extended weekend, it was hard for many people to choose. But we knew where to go. The open house at biofarm de Loods was a unique opportunity for us to promote our ‘Smuljungle’ at and fraternize with Natuurpunt, Velt, a local beekeeper Kris, Proveg and farm butcher Hof van Dorset. We also had the chance to meet Noel an avid Velt volunteer. He once co-founded the original design of the Smuljungle but those plans did not go through at the time. But today our Smuljungle is more alive than ever. So you see, if you ever plant a seed….

Thanks to our in-house photographer Pamajot. The photos speak for themselves.

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