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Martin Crawford launches: The 2nd International Forest Garden/Food Forest Symposium

Online February 20 – 24, 2023

It is with some pride that I announce that I am one of the speakers at the second Internatioal Forest Garden/Food forest Symposium. Together with some 68 other “Food Forest/Food Garden” passionates, we try to share knowledge and, above all, inspire people.

The Agroforestry Research Trust is an educational and research organization, established in 1992 as a registered charity, to provide education and research on all aspects of agroforestry. Since its inception, several academic and practical research projects have been and are being conducted. Courses and tours are also important aspects of our work.

The trust director, Martin Crawford is no stranger. He planned and executed most aspects of the trust’s work. He has worked in organic farming and horticulture for more than 30 years, including working for the Yarner Trust in North Devon (teaching small-scale organic farming); growing food for a small hotel on the Isle of Iona; restoring the walled gardens of a country house in central Devon; and running his own organic vegetable garden and tree nursery in South Devon.

The goal is to cover all aspects of food forestry, so there will be presentations on projects from around the world (both urban and rural, from the far north to the tropics), ongoing research, perennial food and cooking, education, health, design , carbon storage and climate change. Geographically, there will be material from five continents (North America e.g. USA; South America e.g. Ecuador and Uruguay; Europe from Finland to Spain and Portugal through the UK and the Netherlands; Asia e.g. Japan; Australasia – Australia and New Zealand). l

Why Online? Because the first event worked so well, and because it was online, the event was more inclusive – anyone from anywhere in the world could participate; and more eco – all those carbon emissions from traveling around the world are avoided. Online, you may not “bump into” participants in the same way, but again, we will provide as many opportunities to interact with others as possible.

The geographical spread of presenters for this second event also has a much better gender mix of presentations, with more than 50% of the presentations made by women.

A ticket gives you online access to the 5 days of the event, including all presentations, live chat, live question and answer sessions and discussion sessions, the virtual exhibitor area, the download area, poster presentations, opportunity for text and audio chat with other attendees. All symposium sessions are available to participants afterwards.

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