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Edible Trees Forest Gardens Volume I&II – Dave Jacke

Eric Toensmeier

This is an absolute must. It may seem like an expensive investment, but this English-language book is the very best book on my bookshelf.

These two thick books are worth reading. Volume I mainly gives you insight into the ecological story of creating a food forest. Volume II is a slightly more practical guide and has tips and advice on planning, designing and organizing a food forest. But all major food forest pioneers are under scrutiny. You get insights into how they worked. Robert Hart’s Food Forest, Martin Crawford’s Project, … Two books full of tips and insights.

Dave Jake

But the American Dave Jacke studied ecology and design since the 1970s and has his own ecological design firm – Dynamics Ecological Design Associates – since 1984. Dave is an engaging and passionate ecodesign and permaculture teacher, and a sought-after meticulous designer. As a founding member of Land Trust at Gap Mountain in Jaffrey , NH. He holds a BA in Environmental Studies from Simon’s Rock College (1980) and an MA in Landscape Design from the Conway School of Landscape Design (1984).

Want to see Dave Jacke’s presentation. Take a look at vimeo via this link

Eric Toensmeier

He asked for help from a colleague Eric Toensmeier. An award-winning author of Paradise Lot and Perennial Vegetables, and co-author of Edible Forest Gardens and a contributor to Drawdown . He is a lecturer at Yale University and an international trainer, presenting in English and Spanish in the US, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala and the Caribbean. Eric has studied permaculture and useful plants of the world for over twenty years. He ran an urban farm project for five years, ran a seed company and participated in a training program for farms. Meanwhile, this methodology is used in more than eight US states and three Canadian provinces. Eric’s most recent book is Carbon Farming : a Global Toolkit for Stabilizing the Climate with Tree Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices, which was supported by supporters through a Kickstarter campaign.

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